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April 12 2023
What’s the saying . . . don’t let a good crisis go to waste? Unfortunately, crises happen in the dairy industry more than we’d like, and we learn something from each and every one
April 10 2023
A certain amount of stress can be motivating; it can drive us to take action. Unfortunately, too much stress leads to changes that impact our mind, our body, and our relationships with the people around...
March 31 2023
This creative piece was written by one of our regular authors, Gerald Anderson. Be sure to read the full story to reveal a fun twist at the end!
March 29 2023
“Roots, roots, roots, and more roots. I want roots.” That was the message soil scientist Jamie Patton shared loud and clear during her presentation at the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin’s...
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March 24 2023
In recent years, research on pair-housing calves has helped the dairy community recognize that calves can benefit from socialization. Pair-housed calves grow as well as or even better than individually...
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March 14 2023
It’s meeting season. This is that tiny sliver of time when winter seems to have backed off enough to not be as big of a trouble (although this winter seems to be testing that, or maybe we are just...
March 1 2023
The strong work ethic reputation that farm kids carry most often comes from job responsibilities that began at a young age
Feb. 27 2023
During this school year, I have the pleasure of being an intern with Edge Dairy Cooperative, a group that is partnered with Minnesota Milk Producers Association
reset yourself with dairy
Feb. 13 2023
Promotional efforts supported by the national dairy checkoff earned two awards at a recent marketing competition
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Feb. 10 2023
It’s important to share your perspective on the issues that matter to you with those elected to serve you
Jan. 16 2023
As the “Your Dairy Checkoff” podcast starts its third year featuring farmer hosts, dairy industry guests, and in-depth conversations about dairy products and farming promotion, we want to thank
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Jan. 13 2023
Butter sculptures at consumer events highlight dairy in a special way
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Jan. 9 2023
A website can be a valuable online platform for your business. Here are some thoughts to get you started
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Dec. 16 2022
A local chocolate milk and other promotions helped spread the dairy message at the New York City Marathon
Dec. 9 2022
As you move into 2023, don’t forget to think about goals and simple changes — both big and small — that could help you and your operation continue to improve
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Nov. 29 2022
At the Sustainable Agriculture Summit, three college students shared their thoughts on sustainability during a panel discussion
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Nov. 25 2022
This Thanksgiving, I decided to highlight butter in a new, trendy way
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Nov. 16 2022
Food elitist (noun): a person or persons who uses their social platform and/or voice to shame others based on their food choices
Nov. 15 2022
The discussion at animal rights conferences held over the past year continued to focus on animal agriculture